- Expressions are matched against a pattern
- Difference to the switch statement of C or Java
- No fall through to the next alternative
- Match expressions return a value
- MatchError is thrown if no pattern matches
expr match {
case pattern1 => result1
case pattern2 => result2
Match pattern
case pattern => result
- case declares a match pattern
- If pattern matches, result will be evaluated and returned
Wildcard Pattern
_ is used as a wildcard to match everything
scala> def whatTimeIsIt(any: Any): String = any match {
| case _ => s"any is no time"
| }
whatTimeIsIt: (any: Any)String
scala> whatTimeIsIt(20)
res18: String = any is no time
- Difference to the switch statement of C or Java
- No fall through to the next alternative
- Match expressions return a value
- MatchError is thrown if no pattern matches
expr match {
case pattern1 => result1
case pattern2 => result2
Match pattern
case pattern => result
- case declares a match pattern
- If pattern matches, result will be evaluated and returned
Pattern 1
Wildcard Pattern
_ is used as a wildcard to match everything
scala> def whatTimeIsIt(any: Any): String = any match {
| case _ => s"any is no time"
| }
whatTimeIsIt: (any: Any)String
scala> whatTimeIsIt(20)
res18: String = any is no time
Variable Pattern
scala> def whatTimeIsIt(any: Any): String = any match {
| case any => s"$any is no time"
| }
whatTimeIsIt: (any: Any)String
scala> whatTimeIsIt("winter")
res21: String = winter is no time
Typed Pattern
- Use a type annotation to match only certain annotations
- Typed pattern needs to be composed with the wildcard and variable pattern
scala> def whatTimeIsIt( any:Any ): String = any match {
| case time: Time => s"Time is ${Time.hours}:{Time.minutes}"
| case _ => s"$any is no time"
| }
scala> whatTimeIsIt(Time(9,30))
Constant Pattern
- Use a stable identifier to match something constant
scala> def whatTimeIsIt( any:Any ): String = any match {
| case "12:00" => "High Noon"
| case _ => s"$any is no time"
| }
scala> whatTimeIsIt("12:00")
res23: String = High Noon
scala> whatTimeIsIt("10:00")
res24: String = 10:00 is no time
Pattern 2
Tuple Pattern
- Use tuple syntax to match and decompose tuples
- Tuple pattern is composed with other patterns like the constant pattern or variable pattern
def whatTimeIsIt( any:Any ): String = any match {
case (x, "12:00") => s"From $x to noon"
case _ => s"$any is no time"
scala> whatTimeIsIt("5")
res27: String = 5 is no time
scala> whatTimeIsIt("5","12:00")
res28: String = From 5 to noon
Constructor Pattern
- Use constructor syntax to match and decompose case classes
- The constructor pattern is composed with other patterns
- We can build deeply nested structures
def whatTimeIsIt( any:Any ) = any match {
case Time(12,0) => "High Noon"
case Time(12,m) => s"It is $m past 12"
case _ => s"$any is no time"
>It is 15 minutes past 12
Sequence Pattern
Use sequence constructors or append or prepend operators to match and decompose sequences
scala> def matchSeq[A]( seq: Seq[A] ): String = seq match {
| case Seq(1,2,3) => "1 to 3"
| case x +: Nil => s"Only element is $x"
| case _+:x => s"Last element is $x"
| case Nil => "Empty sequence"
| }
matchSeq: [A](seq: Seq[A])String
scala> matchSeq(1 to 3)
res29: String = 1 to 3
scala> matchSeq(Vector(1))
res30: String = Only element is 1
scala> matchSeq(Array(1,2,3,4))
res31: String = Last element is WrappedArray(2, 3, 4)
Pattern Alternatives
- Use | symbol to combine various pattern alternatives
def whatTimeIsIt( any:Any ): String = any match {
case "00:00" | "12:00" => s"Midnight or high noon"
case _ => s"$any is no time"
Pattern Binders
- Use @ to bind various pattern alternatives
def whatTimeIsIt(any:Any) : String = any match {
case time @ Time (_,0) => s"time with 0 minutes"
case time @ Time (_,m) => s"time with $m minutes"
case _ => s"$any is no time"
Pattern Guards
- Composing patterns gives more control over matching
- If that's not enough, use the if keyword to define pattern guard
def isAfternoon(any:Any) : String = any match {
case Time(h,m) if h>=12 => s"Yes, it is $(h-12): $m pm"
case Time(h,m) => s"No, it is $h:$m am"
case _ => s"$any is no time"
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