Scala supports inheritence
- Code Reuse
- Specialization
Each class except for Any has exactly one super-class
- Non private members are inherited
- Non final members can be overridden
Subtype polymorphism
- Polymorph means having more than one types
- The Subclass type conforms to the superclass type
Bird extends Animal
- default superclass is AnyRef
- can only extend one class
Final and Sealed Classes
- Use final to prevent a class from being extended
final class Animal
class Bird extends Animal (gives error)
- Sealed classes can only be extended within the same source file
- Use it to create and algebric data type (ADT) called Tagged Union
- Example: Option with some and none
sealed class Animal
class Bird extends Animal
final class Fish extends Animal
Accessing superclass members
- Use super to extend superclass members
Uniform Access Principle
For a client it should make no difference, whether a property is implemented through storage or computation
- Properties can be implemented as def or as val
class Animal{
def name: String = "Lion"
val name: String = "Lion"
Overriding vals with def
- val is stable, but parameterless def could return different results on different calls
- We can decide to become stable and override a def with a val
class Animal {
def name: Seq[char] = Random.shuffle("Lion".toSeq)
class Bird extends Animal {
override val name: Seq[Char] = "Dog"
Lazy Vals
- All vals are initialized during object construction
- Use lazy keyword to defer initialization until first usage
- Lazy vals are not final - might show some performance drawbacks
lazy val lazyVame = {
println("I am very lazy")
- Code Reuse
- Specialization
Each class except for Any has exactly one super-class
- Non private members are inherited
- Non final members can be overridden
Subtype polymorphism
- Polymorph means having more than one types
- The Subclass type conforms to the superclass type
Bird extends Animal
- default superclass is AnyRef
- can only extend one class
Final and Sealed Classes
- Use final to prevent a class from being extended
final class Animal
class Bird extends Animal (gives error)
- Sealed classes can only be extended within the same source file
- Use it to create and algebric data type (ADT) called Tagged Union
- Example: Option with some and none
sealed class Animal
class Bird extends Animal
final class Fish extends Animal
Accessing superclass members
- Use super to extend superclass members
Uniform Access Principle
For a client it should make no difference, whether a property is implemented through storage or computation
- Properties can be implemented as def or as val
class Animal{
def name: String = "Lion"
val name: String = "Lion"
Overriding vals with def
- val is stable, but parameterless def could return different results on different calls
- We can decide to become stable and override a def with a val
class Animal {
def name: Seq[char] = Random.shuffle("Lion".toSeq)
class Bird extends Animal {
override val name: Seq[Char] = "Dog"
Lazy Vals
- All vals are initialized during object construction
- Use lazy keyword to defer initialization until first usage
- Lazy vals are not final - might show some performance drawbacks
lazy val lazyVame = {
println("I am very lazy")
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