Monday, February 15, 2016

Sqoop Example - Session 2

Create hadoopguide in mysql

Mysql> CREATE DATABASE hadoopguide;
Mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON hadoopguide.* TO ‘%’@’localhost’;
Mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON haddopguide.* TO ‘’@’localhost’;

% mysql hadoopguide

                widget_name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL),
                price DECIMAL(10,2),
                design_date DATE,
                version INT,
                design_comment VARCHAR(100));
MYSQL> INSERT INTO widgets VALUES (NULL, 'sprocket', 0.25, '2010-02-10', 1, 'Connects two gizmos');
MYSQL> INSERT INTO WIDGETS VALUES (NULL, 'gizmo', 4.00, '2009-11-30', 4, NULL);
MYSQL> INSERT INTO WIDGETS VALUES (NULL, 'gadget', 99.99, '1983-08-13', 13, 'Our flagship product');

mysql> quit;

Lets use Sqoop to import this table into hdfs

Sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:hadoopguide --table widgets –m 1

Sqoop import tool runs a MR job that connects to mysql db and reads the table. By default it runs 4 mappers in parallel creating 4 output files in the same dir.
Since we know that we are importing only 3 rows, we have specified to use only 1 mapper by using  -m 1, so we get a single file in HDFS.

% hadoop fs –cat widgets/part-m-00000
1,sprocket,0.25,2010-02-10,1,Connects two gizmos
3,gadget,99.99,1983-08-13,13,Our flagship product

The connect string jdbc:mysql//localhost:hadoopguide will read from a local database. Do not mention localhost, if the Hadoop cluster is used; specify the full hostname.

Generate code without import

% sqoop codegen --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/hadoopguide --table widgets --class-name Widget

Codegen tool simply generates code without doing the full import. It generates a class If we are working with records imported to SequenceFiles, we have to work with generated code to de-serialize data from Sequence File storage. We can work with text based records without using generated code, but it can handle some tedious aspects of data processing for us.

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