First.scala class
package com.first
class First {
var name = ""
var age = 0
override def toString=s"name is $name, age is $age"; //override toString helps to directly print the obj
object FirstObj {
var obj = new First() = "Tanu"
obj.age = 30
def main(args:Array[String]){
println(obj) //directly print object if toString is overriden, if not, then prints reference
name is Tanu, age is 30
To run a scala program, we need to run the object and not the class
obj extends App
object FirstObj extends App{
var obj = new First() = "Tanu"
obj.age = 30
extends App - by default puts all to main method, no need to define the main method. App is a Trait
Trait in scala is same as Interface with default implementation (more on this later)
package com.first
class First {
var name = ""
var age = 0
override def toString=s"name is $name, age is $age"; //override toString helps to directly print the obj
object FirstObj {
var obj = new First() = "Tanu"
obj.age = 30
def main(args:Array[String]){
println(obj) //directly print object if toString is overriden, if not, then prints reference
name is Tanu, age is 30
To run a scala program, we need to run the object and not the class
obj extends App
object FirstObj extends App{
var obj = new First() = "Tanu"
obj.age = 30
extends App - by default puts all to main method, no need to define the main method. App is a Trait
Trait in scala is same as Interface with default implementation (more on this later)